
Surface Phenomena Researches Group

Scientific Enterprise


All solutions are on the surface

Surface analysis methods

Scientific research covers the following topics

  • Surfaces, interfaces and methods of their investigations.
  • Semiconductor nanomaterials, peculiarities of electronic structure.
  • Phase transformations and strength of metals and alloys.
  • Nanostructured coatings for cutting tools.

List of the methods

  1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM):

    • X-ray microanalysis.
    • Back-scattered electrons diffraction (EBSD, pseudo-Kikuchi lines).
    • Tension of thin samples in the microscope chamber for studies of cracks propagation regularities.
    Scanning electron microscope JSM-U3, JEOL, Japan

    Scanning electron microscope JSM-U3, JEOL, Japan

  2. X-ray photoelectron and Auger spectroscopy:

    • X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) with monochromatic Al source and Al/Mg source.
    • Auger electrons spectroscopy (AES).
    • Spectroscopy of plasmon losses.
    • Scanning Auger microscopy.
    • Scanning microscopy of characteristic losses.
    • Extended fine structure electron energy losses (EELFS) spectroscopy for determination of surface atoms coordinations.
  3. High resolution electrons energy losses spectroscopy (EMU-50 source of monochromatic low energy electrons: primary electrons energy E0 = 0 — 100 eV, half-width of back scattered electrons line 17 meV) (HREELS):

    • High resolution spectroscopy of phonon and plasmon losses.
    • Vibrational spectroscopy of adsorbed molecules.
    • Analysis of interband and intraband electrons transitions, building of energy levels maps.
  4. Secondary ions mass-spectroscopy (SIMS).

  5. Samples preparation in the preparation chamber of the spectrometer:

    • Ion beam cleaning.
    • Ion etching for low angle laps formation.
    • Surface cleaning by heating up to 300 ºС.
    • Fracture of samples in ultrahigh vacuum with cooling to -196 ºС for studies of brittle fracture surface composition.
    Electron spectrometer ESCALAB MK2

    Electron spectrometer ESCALAB MK2, Vacuum Generators, UK;
    hemispherical energy analyser with 17 meV resolution

  6. Time-of-flight mass-spectrometer TOF.SIMS5-100 (IONTOF, Germany):

    • Ion sources: Bi, Cs, N2/O2.
    • Elemental and isotopic analysis of surfaces, building of surface and depth distribution maps.
    • Cooling and heating of samples -196 – 650 °С.
    Time-of-flight mass-spectrometer TOF.SIMS5-100

    Time-of-flight mass-spectrometer TOF.SIMS5-100, IONTOF GmbH, Germany

Fields of researches

SPRG team carries out researches in various branches of physics and chemistry:

Adhesion, Catalysis, Ceramics, Corrosion, Depth profiling, Metals, Semiconductor nanomaterials for micro- and optoelectronic devices, Nanocharacterization, Oxides, Polymers, Modelling of physical processes, Surface functionalization, Thin films and coatings, Tribology.

The main results are presented in our papers. See Publications part.

Participation in international conferences

SPRG scientists are expanding their skills participating in international expositions, conferences, seminars presenting most important scientific results.
