
Surface Phenomena Researches Group

Scientific Enterprise


All solutions are on the surface

Participation in conferences of our employees

SPRG actively participates in Russian and international scientific conferences, presenting the most important scientific results.

  • 22nd Scientific and Technical Conference "New promising materials, equipment and technologies for their production". November 9, 2023, Moscow, Russia

    Oral talk by D.L. Wainstein "Complex application of modern methods of surface analysis to solve complex materials science and art problems" ("Комплексное применение современных методов анализа поверхности для решения сложных материаловедческих и искусствоведческих задач") (russ.)

    About the conference   Presentation

  • International symposium "Prospective materials and technologies". August 21-25, 2023, Minsk, Belarus

    Oral talk by D.L. Wainstein "Complex application of surface analysis methods for the study of historical ceramic art items on the example of French porcelain and faience of the XIX century." ("Комплексное применение методов анализа поверхности для исследования объектов исторической художественной керамики на примере французского фарфора и фаянса XIX в.") (russ.)

    About the conference   Presentation

  • Russian conference "MUSEUM. RESTORER. RESTORATION". July 20-21, 2022, Pushkinskie Gory settlement, Russia

    Oral talks by A.A. Leonidova "Experience of restoration and attribution of Dutch tiles of the XVIII century from a private collection" ("Опыт реставрации и атрибуции голландских изразцов XVIII века из частного собрания") (russ.) and "Experience of restoration of faience ceramics on the example of Dutch tiles of the XVIII century" ("Опыт дереставрации фаянсовой керамики на примере голландских изразцов XVIII века") (russ.)

    About the conference   Presentation

  • International conference "InArt 2022 5th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology". June 28 - July 01, 2022, Paris, France

    Poster presentation by T. Shlykova «Investigation of Microstructure and Composition of 18th Century Dutch Tiles in the Context of Conservation»

    About the conference   Poster presentation

  • International conference "NERADOV READINGS: Storage, research, restoration of museum objects and collections". April 25-29, 2022, St. Petersburg, Russia

    Oral talk by T. Shlykova "Study of the microstructure and composition of Dutch tiles of the XVIII century in connection with their restoration" ("Исследование микроструктуры и состава голландских изразцов XVIII в. в связи с вопросами их реставрации") (russ.)

    About the conference   Presentation

  • Conference APMAS2021-ENEFM2021-INTERM2021-BIOMATSEN2021-NANOMACH2021- INTERPHOTONICS2021. Mugla, Turkey, October 17-23, 2021

    Invited talk «Features of Microstructure and Composition of 18th Century Dutch Tiles Revealed by SEM, XRF, XPS, and TOF-SIMS»

    About the conference   Presentation

  • Conference "Films and Coatings – 2021". St. Petersburg, Russia, May 18-20, 2021

    Oral talk "Microstructure and composition of glaze layer of the 18th century tiles" ("Микроструктура и состав глазурного слоя изразцов XVIII века") (russ.)


  • Internantional conference ECOSS-31. 2015. Barselona, Spain.

  • Internantional conference ECOSS-30. 2014. Antalya, Turkey

  • Internantional conference ECASIA'09. 2009.
