
Surface Phenomena Researches Group

Scientific Enterprise


All solutions are on the surface

Papers of RSF Project No. 21-19-00412

  1. V.O. Vakhrushev, D.L. Wainstein, A.I. Kovalev, E.P. Konovalov, A.D. Mukhsinova, T.V. Shlykova.

    Composition of glaze layer of the 18th century tiles.

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1954 (2021) 012050 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1954/1/012050

  2. A.I. Kovalev, V.O. Vakhrushev, D.L. Wainstein, A.Yu. Rashkovsky, A.A. Tomchuk, S.A. Dmitrievskii, E.P. Konovalov, A.D. Mukhsinova and A.I. Volkov.

    New Level of Development of Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy for Materials Science.

    Metallurgist, 66, pages 1412–1429 (2023).

  3. D. Wainstein, V. Vakhrushev, A. Kovalev, E. Konovalov, A. Volkov, U. Kologrieva, A. Mukhsinova, T. Shlykova, A. Leonidova, M. Shipova.

    Features of microstructure and composition of 18th century dutch tiles revealed by SEM, XRF, XPS, and TOF-SIMS.

    AIP Conference Proceedings 2803, 020004, 2023

  4. Wainstein, D.; Vakhrushev, V.; Kovalev, A.; Konovalov, E.; Volkov, A.; Shipova, M.

    Determination of Composition of Raw Materials for Porcelain Fabrication by XRF, TOF-SIMS, and XPS Methods for Further Porcelain Art Items Characterisation and Detection of Modern Counterfeits.

    Preprints 2023, 2023020106.

  5. Wainstein D.L., Vakhrushev V.O., Volkov A.I., Kovalev A.I, Konovalov Y.P., Mukhsinova A.D., Atamanov S.M., Shlykova T.V., Trefilova M.Y.

    Joint application of surface analysis techniques for the study of porcelain objects in the process of restoration.

    International Research Journal, 2024, №2 (140) DOI 10.23670/IRJ.2024.140.18.

  6. T.V. Shlykova.

    Stylistic analysis of the monument of faience art in the context of its comprehensive study (on the example of a soup tureen of the XIX century).

    Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Art history 14, №2 (2024), pages 436–448.
